
By Anonymous - 25/02/2015 10:33 - Australia - Maddington

Today, I got pulled over for speaking on my phone. I accepted the fine because I was too ashamed to tell the cute officer that I was actually trying to pop a huge pimple on my cheek. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 236
You deserved it 13 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unless you got the cute officer's number you deserve it!

How do you pop a pimple while you're driving? You deserve it


Unless you got the cute officer's number you deserve it!

I was thinking the same thing.. She is distracting herself from driving. Still dangerous!

Yeah, depending how aggressively she was going after it. It's also dangerous for her wallet and driving record.

It's just dangerous in general; however, in some states, like Florida, you can talk and call using your phone, but you still can't text. However, it is a secondary offense, so they can't pull us over if we are texting alone. Only if we break another law, like speeding, can we be punished for texting. So texting and driving is pretty prevalent here. So many bad drivers. :(

How could he have confused that? Hopefully the ticket isn't too much :(

A hand up by the face is a pretty universal sign of talking on the phone. Of all the places to to pop a pimple, driving a car isn't really one. I'm not sure of the ordinance in Australia, but you'd probably still be ticketed here in the U.S. for negligence. Unless the officer is nice, which most of them are.

*Waiting for comment about how all officers are assholes.*

A07 48

How do you even pop a pimple with your phone? You should make a youtube tutorial OP!

Or maybe her popping a pimple made it look like she was on her phone...

They weren't using their phone... It just looked like they were holding a phone to their ear

rocker_chick23 27

#3: Re-read the FML more carefully. She didn't use her phone to pop a pimple. She used her hand, and the cop thought she was on her phone when she wasn't

A guy in Australia almost copped a fine for talking on his phone while driving, he wasn't on his phone..... He was actually picking in his ear. When you have your hand next to your face, it looks like you're on the phone

BitterSavage 20

I laughed at least; surprised so many people took that seriously.

Surely he should have wondered how the phone miraculously disappeared

meli1195 31

he probably thought OP threw it somewhere to hide it

Who continues to talk on their phone after getting pulled over? I mean you have a good 2 minutes to put the phone down and out of sight while the officer is getting out of his car and coming to yours

How do you pop a pimple while you're driving? You deserve it

Most cars have mirrors in the sun blocker. Why use her phone?

rocker_chick23 27

#23: She wasn't using her phone. It just looked like she was using her phone

She was probably just touching her face while looking at the road, not actually squeezing it but just rubbing at it. I don't see why everyone is saying this is incredibly dangerous. She probably never took her eyes off the road. Unless of course she was using both hands and looking in the mirror, then it's definitely dangerous and a ydi.

The post literally says "trying to pop", she wasn't just "rubbing" it, read before you comment! ... Although it doesn't really add up, if she was trying to pop it, she'd be using both hands unless (then she deserved the fine) she overdramatised the post and she really was just touching it with a single hand. I'm over-thinking this, I think it's time for bed.

Popping a pimple with one hand must be a rare skill, one that I'm not so proud to possess, if you have decent length nails then you can just do it with your thumb and pointer finger, the same as if you were picking at something and you don't need to take your eyes off the road while you do it, you can feel it

#50 not that hard to pop one handed. I have keratosis pilaris (basically thousands of pimples all over my skin) and i pop the ones on my arms all the time.

Like you never took a pick at your nose whilst driving... You deserve a shame on you.

The officer wouldn't care, he has probably seen much more embarrassing things! YDI

Still, regardless of whether there was a phone involved, since the officer pulled you over, it's safe to assume you were driving. Focusing on anything but the road when driving is dangerous, so I'm gonna have to say you deserve it.

I'm amazed you were the first person to say it. I wouldn't ever try multitasking like that while driving because I'm too scared to take my hands off the wheel.

Popping a pimple doesnt take much brain power, in fact most people do it absent mindedly. Im sure changing the radio station is far more dangerous.

Two hands should be on the wheel at all times unless changing gear. Irresponsible to take your hands off. My dad has spun off of the road for absentmindedly scratching while it was rainy and dark.