Dog whistle

By uglyshoegirl - 08/03/2015 21:49 - Canada - Brampton

Today, I sent a picture to my best friend of the shoes I want to wear to prom. She replied, "Wow those are so unique". I guess she forgot that last week she told me she only uses the word unique when she hates something. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 873
You deserved it 3 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you like them that's all that matters!


This reminds me of Regina George from Mean Girls.

she probably remembers, take the hint and get better shoes

Or she remembered and gave you some tough love.

kewpiesuicide 29

Nobody worth noticing is ever ordinary. Everyone has their own taste and you don't have to appeal to anyone but yourself. That confidence will shine through.

42 - If she's seeking validation, first from hr friend and then here, she doesn't have that kind of confidence. She'll just look silly and feel self concious.

Who cares? If you like them, then why care if your friend does or not?

No, she didn't. She definitely remembers, and chose her words as such because she knows you're uber touchy and it is a best friend's job to save their best friend from bad choices.

This is an FML how? So your friend doesn't like your shoes. Who cares?

what does her opinion matter? shes not wearing them , as long as you like them thats all that matters.

foxmatrix15 8

You can talk to her and tell her u know what she ment by unique then talk trash to each other bout fashion then get all girly about how you knew she hated them with her "unique" comment and go shopping then hug and be besties again. ~Cuz women are weird~

She didn't forget. She knows you understand her.