Drama alert!

By I pray for the meteor - 13/01/2023 12:00

Today, one of the human-shaped piles of shit my restaurant serves found a hair in her food. Normally, these fuckwits piss and moan and demand free food, but this sack of filth turned out to be such a drama queen that she puked all over the table and cried so hard she needed an ambulance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 900
You deserved it 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe she has a psychological trauma around foreign objects in her food? You seem VERY quick to judge.


Maybe she has a psychological trauma around foreign objects in her food? You seem VERY quick to judge.

TeaTimeAbyss 20

With workers like you, I wonder what the service is like. Hopefully you change jobs and start working as far as possible from other people. YDI.

delicious 7

Wow all the judgey people commenting obviously haven’t worked retail. She was clearly just an attention seeker wanting to make a scene

I am just blown away by the people who think this woman definitely must have been faking. Yeah, people suck. But they suck more when you assume the worst in every scenario. Maybe she has triggers, or a past trauma, or even just a bad phobia of having bits of body in her food. Sure, we can't know for sure either way, but the way this is written is so entirely demeaning and dismissive. Unless she turned and smiled at you on her way out or something, you suck.

is this seriously how you think about your customers? finding hair in your food is disgusting. And it sounds to be not a rare occasion in your restaurant. Maybe instead of name calling and insulting, take responsibility and take care of the hygiene level of your establishment?