Escape from Hell

By BleedingEarsHungryStomach - 31/12/2022 00:00

Today, my flight home was delayed, then cancelled. I've been hiding in the bathroom for almost an hour, just to get a break from my mom's endless stream of celebrity gossip and every other thought that comes into her head, all while she cooks delicious food that I can no longer eat due to severe allergies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 844
You deserved it 158

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's easy to shut down celebrity gossip these days. For every celeb she mentions, tell them that Q says they drink the blood of children who live in Mayfair furniture. They stay young with the help of Hillary Clinton. The most popular topic of discussion around you quickly becomes awkward silence.


It's easy to shut down celebrity gossip these days. For every celeb she mentions, tell them that Q says they drink the blood of children who live in Mayfair furniture. They stay young with the help of Hillary Clinton. The most popular topic of discussion around you quickly becomes awkward silence.