
By jadkins - 06/07/2009 19:33 - Netherlands

Today, I was flirting with this cute girl from Croatia who is part of the my exchange group in Holland. After a few beers and some smooth talking, she led me inside to a closed off room. We were about to have sex when her boyfriend of two years called and proposed to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 843
You deserved it 22 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who proposes over the phone, especially when she's in another country?

Did you KNOW she had a boyfriend? If so, you deserve it, but otherwise FYL.


Ouch, that sucks. FYL. And FHL (his) too, since he's engaged to a cheating hoe.

......................who proposes by cell?

What else can you expect from a Croatian?

Hunter329 0

FYL if you didn't know but YDI if you did, is what #14 said true? Did you congratulate her with Dutch sausage?

member0987654321 0

uhh i think her life is ******.. but i think her "boyfriend's" life is reeeeally ******. and your's.. is just dandy next to those two.

lolatflyingducks 0

F her boyfriend's life for proposing to a girl that has been more than likely promiscuous more than once. I hope he found out and decided not to marry her.

masterdawn32 0