Eyepatch nightmare

By 1eyedpirate - 08/10/2023 00:02

Today, after years of my husband offering to trim my bangs, I finally let him. On the first snip he managed to cut the skin beneath my eyebrow. Ten minutes before that, our newborn shat all over me, even getting it in my hair. To make me feel better, since we have a parrot, my husband said that I could finally fulfill my dreams of being a pirate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 584
You deserved it 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fulfill your dreams of being a pirate by having your husband walk the plank, and maroon him on the living room sofa for a bit.


Fulfill your dreams of being a pirate by having your husband walk the plank, and maroon him on the living room sofa for a bit.