Facebook official means it's serious

By DianneS - 07/07/2022 10:00

Today, I had the displeasure of watching my boyfriend’s Facebook go from “In a relationship” with me to “Single”, then switched to a big “In a relationship with” the girl he told me was “just a friend” post, after ending our 5-year relationship over text message. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 116
You deserved it 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

count your blessings. could've spent even more time before finding out the true him.

something tells me that he was seeing this random girl on the side...


count your blessings. could've spent even more time before finding out the true him.

something tells me that he was seeing this random girl on the side...

HokieJ 10

Boy, you say she's just a friend! Oh, baby, please!

What a ******* manchild. You should tell her what he did.

Does "boyfriend" really mean "guy I've been cyberstalking for years who humored me because he's afraid I'm dangerous?"

5 years and not discussing marriage? His choice or yours to take it slow and not get ( or discuss) married? Was he looking for commitment? Did you make it clear about your desires for commitment? A root cause analysis may be painful, but help you avoid situations like this in the future.