Failed the taste test

By Anonymous - 10/11/2022 10:00 - United States - Stamford

Today, I was feeling nauseous so I decided to take some Pepto Bismol. However, the fake cherry flavor immediately made me vomit all over the kitchen floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 758
You deserved it 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're nauseated, the best thing to do is vomit and get rid of what's troubling you. Sounds like the flavored Pepto did its job.

Cherry?! Pepto-Bismol is supposed to taste like mint-flavored chalk. This Pepto-Bismol must be expired or something.


If you're nauseated, the best thing to do is vomit and get rid of what's troubling you. Sounds like the flavored Pepto did its job.

Cherry?! Pepto-Bismol is supposed to taste like mint-flavored chalk. This Pepto-Bismol must be expired or something.