Freakout part 47674

By just die already - 24/04/2016 09:55 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I found out my psycho ex also reads FML. She called me at work, pissed that I'd "publicly humiliated" her on here. I haven't posted about her at all. I'm sure the brick I found thrown through my window a few hours later has nothing to do with her, though. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 738
You deserved it 1 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looking at her reaction, it probably wasn't a good idea posting this... Keep one eye open tonight...

Be honest now... did you post something about her? Also be warned, she's probably gonna see this post.


saffy66 34

Nothing like the ego of someone who thinks it's all about them, and that everyone else will think so too.

queencabello 19
heroqucas 25

You're a brave soul for posting that, and your title is going to get some attention too.

Time to move? Or catch her on the move with a camera? If it's bad enough and you have the evidence you could probably get her arrested if you wanted, or at least get a restraining order on her.

Not sure I actually believe that you didn't post anything considering you just left quite the specific post for her to recognize you with now.

I hope she reads this; If the shoe fits, wear it.

Well, you posted about her now. Cover your remaining windows.