Gimme the pizza

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I ordered a pizza over the phone from Pizza Hut. I turned at the store and waited for over 25 minutes. When they saw me sitting there for such a long time, they eventually asked what i was waiting for. I'd called the wrong Pizza Hut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 080
You deserved it 57 984

Top comments

cucuto89 0

"hello, is my pizza ready yet?" all you had to say.......

Pizza Hut has one number and they then ask you the area you are in and dispatch you to the closest one!


cucuto89 0

"hello, is my pizza ready yet?" all you had to say.......

MooKee 0

Hah, was the pizza atleast good?

Pizza Hut has one number and they then ask you the area you are in and dispatch you to the closest one!

night_fox88 24

not necessarily I'm a driver for the minot ave one in auburn maine and people mix us and the center st one up all the time. each store has a different number

EffinWhosLife 0

If you order online it'll pinpoint the pizza hut nearest to you.

Agree about the pinpointing the nearest one to you. Plus your FML is really a YDI. Waiting so long you could have asked if it was ready AND in 25 minutes they could have made you the pie right then and there.

I can see how that would be inconvenient