Grossed out

By tiaox - 04/06/2021 11:01

Today, I went on a date with an amazing girl. The date was going well, until she started eating. Although her mouth was closed the entire time, she somehow still made the loudest, most disgusting chewing noises I’ve ever heard. I felt bad about dumping her over that, but I just couldn’t continue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 890
You deserved it 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Warp1978 15

Don't feel bad, mouth noises are a major deal breaker for me as well. I just cannot deal with it.

We all have our areas of sensitivity. For different people, different things may be a dealbreaker. Dating is a process of finding a compatible person for a relationship. Not all matches are going to work out, most won’t. That doesn’t necessarily mean either is at “fault”. Dating is also cause for introspection - Is there something about me that is off putting? We all need to be honest with ourselves. Bad table manners is potentially one of those things. Being unreasonably picky is another. I wish well for both of you…


Warp1978 15

Don't feel bad, mouth noises are a major deal breaker for me as well. I just cannot deal with it.

We all have our areas of sensitivity. For different people, different things may be a dealbreaker. Dating is a process of finding a compatible person for a relationship. Not all matches are going to work out, most won’t. That doesn’t necessarily mean either is at “fault”. Dating is also cause for introspection - Is there something about me that is off putting? We all need to be honest with ourselves. Bad table manners is potentially one of those things. Being unreasonably picky is another. I wish well for both of you…

bleachedraven 14

Loud mouth noises are disturbing 😅

diraven 15

Wasn't that an episode of Seinfeld?

If someone is chewing their food with their mouth closed and it bothers you, YOU are the one with the problem. YDI