
By Prodigy - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I ran into a former college classmate at Subway. He gushed on and on about how I was the only one in our class with true potential. Then I asked him what kind of sandwich he wanted, because 3 years out of college, Subway is still the only place that will hire a music major. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 708
You deserved it 8 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quit whining, all of us musicians know the risk we're taking when we try to make it a career.

Go back and get another degree- one with some form of job security. You should have known any art degree wouldn't get you anywhere especially in this economy.


The job outlook isnt poor! People are finally realizing the potential of music. I'm a music therapy major and cant wait to get out in the field. My school has 100% job placement for the last five years and I'm so happy with the musical training I'm receiving. We need to spread the word of how important music is. Think of all the things during the day that involve music...television, music at the store, music in your car, music on the radio at work, etc. I also live by a major orchestra and the concerts are well attended. So I'm sorry that you're in a rut working at Subway...remember that your musical training will someday pay off. Keep practicing!!! :)

mshafty 0

Being a band groupie or working at used record store doesn't count as a 100% job placement!

Ajjas013, you submit a shit load of comments on FML. You need to really slow down. Mostly just because I'm actually getting annoyed seeing a page of stuff from you.

This is what you deserve for getting a music major - none of the famous singers, such as those at the Grammys, have music majors, it's talent and not work. Therefore your major is useless, you wasted money and time, and you totally deserve what you got.

Yeah-no, it's far more work than talent for 90 % of working musicians out there. Members of the NY Philharmonic or BSO don't hop out of bed and run through the most challenging music they have. Sure they *can*, but that's a result of the 6 hours of practicing they do every single day.

Ok first, you obviously don't know anything about college or degrees or you wouldn't be calling getting a degree "getting a music major." Please. Finish high school. Second, the OP didn't say what music degree they got. If it was performance then, chances are, they don't want to go to Hollywood. They want to be on Broadway. Which you do happen to need a performance degree if you want to get a job unless you've had the vocal training your whole life. And last, I am a music ed major from one of the best music colleges in Georgia. You do not get a job teaching music because of your talent. It doesn't matter how well you can sing, if you are not certified to teach music then you can't. Period. And believe it or not, schools still need music teachers. So, as long as there are schools with music programs, a music degree is not useless.

I have a music major. I also did pre-med, and am now in medical school. Most of my classmates in the School of Music were working on second degrees as well. Face it, in our current climate, unless you're a bona fide virtuoso, a music major isn't going to make you much money. But why don't you try to audition for an orchestra or something? Or go into academia?

ha maybe you should have gotten a real degree Not something useless

afarr 0

wow I'm a newb no one loves me "stares forward sadly"

how come my comment went twice???..??.,,?!'"@