
By Anonymous - 21/07/2021 22:01 - Germany - Ebersbach

Today, my mom has two workbenches in her basement. They are so cluttered, they have all but disappeared. Now that she’s actually building something, she just uses the chest freezer as a workbench. I’m hungry and my dinner is in there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 783
You deserved it 93

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've seen enough horror movies to know what chest freezers are really used for. Your mom is likely using it as a "workbench" to conceal her real hobby -- serial murder! (Dunh, dunh, dunh!)


I've seen enough horror movies to know what chest freezers are really used for. Your mom is likely using it as a "workbench" to conceal her real hobby -- serial murder! (Dunh, dunh, dunh!)