Happy anniversary!

By Anonymous - 20/06/2023 17:00 - United Kingdom - Nottingham

Today, our anniversary, is a disaster. The restaurant gave away our table, even though we were early, and the hotel we’d booked for three nights had a burst pipe, so we had to sleep in the only other hotel, which was so seedy the deskman openly assumed we were two cheaters meeting for a quick fuck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 989
You deserved it 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why should you care what a deskman assumes?

Why didn't you go home at that point?


Why should you care what a deskman assumes?

Why didn't you go home at that point?

You know your hotel is shit when they have a deskman instead of a concierge. Unless Deskman is a superhero.

I genuinely don’t think so. The craziest stories are the best memories to look back on and laugh.

...and write reviews on every travel site telling the truth about those establishments.