Haunted by you

By Anonymous - 03/05/2022 09:00 - United Kingdom - Southsea

Today, I met an old school friend at a leisure centre swimming pool. We talked for a while and then walked to the end of the pool. Suddenly, out of nowhere, she kneed me in the nuts and pushed me into the water. Once I got up from the water, she told me It was for being mean to her at school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 454
You deserved it 879

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It wasn't "out of nowhere" -- you earned it for being an asshole back in school!

blargerpanda 13

I'm not gonna say you deserve it because I don't actually know if you were mean to her. I've had people say I was mean to then and upon questioning turned out to be someone else or a misunderstanding.


It wasn't "out of nowhere" -- you earned it for being an asshole back in school!

CakeEater 15

It's not out of nowhere if you were mean to her, if she's still that angry you probably deserved it

blargerpanda 13

I'm not gonna say you deserve it because I don't actually know if you were mean to her. I've had people say I was mean to then and upon questioning turned out to be someone else or a misunderstanding.

PenguinPal3017 19

Call the cops, this is completely unacceptable

Some people just can't get over being bullied in school... even if it's 10+ years down the road. In which case, I'd say they need mental help.