He got game

By Facepalm - 17/01/2024 14:00 - United States

Today, I had to explain to my husband, who lost 250 pounds and has never been healthier, that no, he does not get a pass to sleep around to "make up" for all the sex he missed when he was young and fat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 497
You deserved it 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

keep an eye on your man child. he might have his eye on someone already ergo the motivation for his weight loss. get your finances together so you come out on top. document everything. I would hope he did for himself and you, but it sure doesn't sound like it. good luck.

easybree 9

girl this is dangerous.. the fact that that’s even in his mind? he’s feeling himself a little TOO much. be careful, he might be cheating.


keep an eye on your man child. he might have his eye on someone already ergo the motivation for his weight loss. get your finances together so you come out on top. document everything. I would hope he did for himself and you, but it sure doesn't sound like it. good luck.

I see a divorce because of cheating in the near future.

easybree 9

girl this is dangerous.. the fact that that’s even in his mind? he’s feeling himself a little TOO much. be careful, he might be cheating.

all I read were red flags with this one… he’s gonna regret his actions but you’ll be the better person for being with him when the others weren’t & that’s STRONG KARMA AGAINST HIM!