He's a diamond

By Sick - 27/09/2022 20:30

Today, I found out my husband has been flirting with and dating behind my back the nurse who treats my cancer. He admitted that he needs someone healthy and not someone who’s “gonna be sick all the time.” He also attempted to justify it by saying, “You’re gonna die anyway and then what am I gonna do?” FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 090
You deserved it 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Make their lives hell report her and take your husband for everything he has what a POS he is


Make their lives hell report her and take your husband for everything he has what a POS he is

His logic is solid. It's not empathetic, but he's not lying.

Unfortunately terrible times can sometimes bring out the worst in people. It’s even worse still when those people are our caregivers… I went through and survived (now in remission) cancer of the esophagus. I went through hell and so did my wife. I have always been fairly independent, but suddenly I felt terribly dependent especially on my wife. Just occasionally she felt overcome with anxiety and frustrations both for my physical condition and at the prospect of starting a new life over without me if the worst happened. Just occasionally she would say something cutting like “If you don’t like it here then find somewhere ease to go.” Given my condition and dependence on her at the time that was very painful. But this was actually quite rare and she was suffering from the thoughts of her parents both dying of cancer… OP this is a really awful time for you and to a significantly lesser degree your husband also. What he did and said is cruel and hurtful. You have a limited set of options for dealing with this - Do you have someone else or a community resource that can help take care of you while you go through this? If you do, that gives you more options. Right now your focus needs to be on surviving the cancer and it’s treatment. I am very sorry that you are having to go through this.

no one 1

He’s a dick. Dump him, report her.

She'll be leaving him, thanks to The Grim Reaper.

tiptoppc 19

That’s crossing the line, Dick…

I would get that bitch fired and post flyers all over her work

carmo214491 2