Health hazard

By Melinda - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was walking through the bar area of the restaurant I work at and fell on my ass. Customers complained to my manager that I shouldn't be drinking on the job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 305
You deserved it 2 975

Top comments

customers suck. I really don't get why in the USA the customer is often considered sacred, most of them deserve to be banned, not bowed to. Hope you didn't get in too much trouble OP.

xDancer101x 0

so should your comment and it automatically is put in love,OP just forgot to change it


This is catagorized in love? should be catagorized in STUPID!

xDancer101x 0

so should your comment and it automatically is put in love,OP just forgot to change it

customers suck. I really don't get why in the USA the customer is often considered sacred, most of them deserve to be banned, not bowed to. Hope you didn't get in too much trouble OP.

It's that kind of thinking that won't get you your raise, Spider. Now be quiet and get Mrs. Fattapuss a rag on a stick so she can clean herself.

blland 0

Lol, I stopped working with customers after just one lousy summerjob. Have been happily employed behind a computer for years now ;-) The only people I have to work with are colleagues, and they generally know how to breathe and not-fall-over at the same time. But seriously, I live in the Netherlands, and here the customer is not "always right". If you throw a tantrum, you can just shove it. Get lost. It's not anyones job to listen to you bitch about anything and everything that you probably brought on yourself. I don't get why in the US aparently you can complain about whatever, and get it either for free or a huge compensation. We do do our best, if you don't like how we work, go somewhere else.

uhm, you cant compare. The US doesnt have the Dutch social system. the service industry in NL doesnt NEED the customers tips because wages are set high enough, in the US the waiters often have to rely on tips to make a decent salary. Thats the simple explanation leaving out culture and other market-factors. Seriously...

loooooooooool_fml 1

I think he wasn't talking about that.. I believe he was talking about the fact that the general US customer can do some craaaaaazy shit with said product and sue the company of said product, and actually win the case. Like I heard, a 16 year old dude decided to make scented candle by pouring perfume on a LIT candle. Logically, he got burned. What was the most sensible thing to do that he thought of? SUE THE COMPANY =D He sued the company, can't remember the whole details, but obviously for the burn damages, oh, and for not having a warning on the perfume that it's flammable. Guess what? He ******* won. If I remember right, he got 27 thousand dollars. Sheesh, companies in the US have to be ******* careful. Anyways, OP, FML, seriously, just because you work as a bartender, doesn't mean that you're allowed to drin whilst on duty. And for people to think that you're were drinking just because you fell down...makes them look more retarded...more than they already are.

jts2 3

Should be on, Still funny, though. People can be assuming idiots sometimes.

YDI if you let those annoying customers get away with that. Clay Aiken would have walked right up to the snitch, roundhoused them, and then demanded that they leave you a double tip as punishment.

tastycrows 0

Clay Aiken is an idiot. So is Chuck Norris. So are people that make Chuck Norris jokes. But the biggest idiot of all is the guy who makes Clay Aiken jokes.

Haha. I don't believe it for a moment. The only sense in that would be if you did plenty else to convince them that you were either sloshed, dizty, or just plain inane. I find it impossible to believe that your customers are that stupid.

Happened to me when I worked at a bar...the floor was wet. I NEVER drank on the job. So sorry!