Higher learning

By jaybob18 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I finally used the statistics book that I forked out $120 to buy. To kill an ant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 726
You deserved it 11 428

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stuff like that grinds my gear, teachers that don't use the god damn text book Fyl

Or that the ant is a statistic. 34% of ants die each year in unused text book accidents.


I don't understand people who squish bugs. Then you've got a bug-shaped smear on, in this case, your textbook. Gross. I just flick them away.

kemosabe_fml 0

wow an ant? it's not even a good bug should have been a spider or a cockroach

Soooo? Whats bad in killing ants with an expensive book? The ant was honoured i bet!

BlastedAF 0

Sell your books on eBay people ; people are always looking for cheap people my brother sold his 140 book for 80 dollars not bad eh?

I never used my statistics textbook either.

AnnabelBish3 0

Sqwish The Ant With The Book :D