I mean, technically you can still do it…

By Anonymous - 09/09/2022 00:30

Today, I had been looking forward to sex all day, got home, got my husband's engine running, got naked on top of him, violently sneezed at his new aftershave, and started my period all over his balls. We were centimetres away from sex and now have to wait 3 to 7 days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 047
You deserved it 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jon Tessler 14

that is why they invented towels.

geerod 15

Many have and enjoy sex during menses, can even relieve cramps - you were a bloody mess anyway, should have tried it!


Jon Tessler 14

that is why they invented towels.

You could lend him your mouth as a peace offering.

geerod 15

Many have and enjoy sex during menses, can even relieve cramps - you were a bloody mess anyway, should have tried it!

You might prefer waiting, but he might accept a ******* if he's in a generous mood.

some women (myself included) can actually become more sensitive during their periods, and sex is much more enjoyable. do it anyway. 👍🏻

Pink_Turnips 14

whats the point of having a sword if you cant get it bloody

Marcella1016 31

3 to 7 days? That’s quite a spread. Does your period really fluctuate that much??

period is the best time to have sex! throw a towel down or hop in the shower. it's just a little blood

Blobby McGee 5

do it anyway. Hop in the shower