I wish!

By Anonymous - 17/09/2021 11:00

Today, my sister saw an empty bottle of squirty cream in my bedroom, and now her and my siblings keep teasing me about how I must have a really kinky sex life. Truth is, I ate the cream by myself with cake, chocolate and biscuits, because I was depressed about it actually being 2 years since I had sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 221
You deserved it 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sweetpotato 12

are u referring to 'whip cream'.? if so, that's a really weird way to put it..

And you're trying to have us believe that while you're having this little orgy, you didn't rub one out? Why else would you refer to it as "squirty cream?"


sweetpotato 12

are u referring to 'whip cream'.? if so, that's a really weird way to put it..

You mean "whipped cream?" "Whip cream" is a conditioner for leather whips to keep them supple which maximizes the pain. Or so my kinky friend tells me.

human3rr0r 6

in England they call it squirty cream! 😂

human3rr0r 6

they call whipped cream in america but squirty cream in the UK

And you're trying to have us believe that while you're having this little orgy, you didn't rub one out? Why else would you refer to it as "squirty cream?"

GhostPenguin 11

The only reason I know you are in the UK is because of Joshfromengland on Tik Tok