Internalized misogyny

By eyeroll - 08/05/2022 07:00 - United States

Today, I had a fight with my husband after I went off on his aunt. We were at her house for a BBQ, she saw me in my casual shorts and tank top, and said to him, “You let her walk out the house like that? She’s a walking rape invitation!” He says she can say whatever she wants since she’s old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 456
You deserved it 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Michael Sawyer 11

being old does not excuse being a sexist(even if was a woman), racist or any other form of assholery to other people.

Tell your husband his aunt is no longer welcome in your home or in your life. He can get out too if he doesn't side with you again.


On the bright side, she didn't make pig or whale noises. She complimented you!

Michael Sawyer 11

being old does not excuse being a sexist(even if was a woman), racist or any other form of assholery to other people.

Tell your husband his aunt is no longer welcome in your home or in your life. He can get out too if he doesn't side with you again.

TeaTimeAbyss 20

Divorce. Without even hesitating. How utterly disgusting that comment was, and how disheartening is your husband's reaction.

Sonotsuave 35

That’s so wrong and disrespectful on so many levels, not only what she said but also his lack of standing up for you. The inappropriateness from both people is overbearing. I’d cut ties with the aunt for being sexist and disrespectful—no, just because people are old doesn’t excuse them acting however they want—and have a serious talk with your husband. If he still is acting that way, I’d think about leaving him behind too.

Being old does not excuse racism, sexism, homophobia, or other forms of bigotry. The idea that any man should "let" his wife leave the house dressed however she chooses is appalling. Suggesting she is an invitation to a brutal criminal act is appalling. Hubby defending her is pretty damn appalling. I would refuse to go to auntie's house, refuse to allow her in my house, and would make it pretty damn clear to hubby that his defense of her is unacceptable.