Kids having kids

By Anonymous - 26/10/2022 10:00

Today, I started my 17th birthday by having to clean my son’s extremely poopy diaper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 373
You deserved it 2 085

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel like even in America birth control would be cheaper and easier than a baby.

Welcome to the parenthood! Hopefully by your 18th the poopy diapers are gone, but might be toddler attitude time. Basically you will have first class experience that having children is not rainbows and fluffy things and cute times, it is bloody heart work to raise a child and maintaining yourself. I wish you strong will and success in achieving both


I feel like even in America birth control would be cheaper and easier than a baby.

Not necessarily. Not everyone has equal access to birth control, and it can fail.

It's a game. You gamble, and you know the risk. Sucks for them, but it is their own choice. No sympathy from here.

tiptoppc 19

These days, the idiots with power are banning (or trying to) everything that classifies as birth control. It sucks here.

Welcome to the parenthood! Hopefully by your 18th the poopy diapers are gone, but might be toddler attitude time. Basically you will have first class experience that having children is not rainbows and fluffy things and cute times, it is bloody heart work to raise a child and maintaining yourself. I wish you strong will and success in achieving both

Look on the bright side - by the time you’re my age (I’m 39) your kid will be on his own and you won’t be changing poopy diapers first thing in the morning.

I feel like had you left out your age and just said you started your birthday with a poopy diaper you would have got more sympathy.

Kalex 4

Then idk, maybe you shouldn’t have had a baby when you’re still a minor..? Idk, just a wild guess🤷🏻‍♂️ You laid down to make that child (while you’re still a literal child yourself), so you shouldn’t be complaining when it comes time to actually take care of it. That baby didn’t ask to be here. It’s that simple.

tarababy24 5

Yeah you still have to be a parent on your birthday..

Fun fact - having a kid means your life is no longer your own. You should have thought of that before having unprotected sex, especially at such a young age.