Let it out

By Anonymous - 05/10/2020 14:02

Today, I know it’s pathetic to cry after sex, so you can imagine how pathetic I feel when I cry after masturbating, because cleaning my vibrator afterwards just reminds me how long it’s been since I had a man, and how lonely I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 329
You deserved it 1 538

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ya I feel your pain it's been years since I've been with a woman and being a disabled ,middle-aged, single father of two young girls really doesn't help either. I'm basically a social pariah to women. 🙄😕😭

tounces7 27

Perhaps you fell for the bullshit idea that relationships will just "Fall into your lap" at the right time? Well that's what it is. Bullshit. If you want someone you have to put effort into finding them. Even finding sex takes effort, although considerably less effort.


Ya I feel your pain it's been years since I've been with a woman and being a disabled ,middle-aged, single father of two young girls really doesn't help either. I'm basically a social pariah to women. 🙄😕😭

tounces7 27

Perhaps you fell for the bullshit idea that relationships will just "Fall into your lap" at the right time? Well that's what it is. Bullshit. If you want someone you have to put effort into finding them. Even finding sex takes effort, although considerably less effort.

Perhaps you're making assumptions that the situation is mostly/entirely within OP's control, regardless of home or work situation, social avenues closed during COVID, etc...

tounces7 27

Covid has only been in effect for like 6 months. It sounds like OP has been without someone far far longer than 6 months if they're that upset over it. And if they're that upset over only being alone a few months, then they're seriously co-dependent and have some issues they need to work through anyway and being with someone isn't a good idea.

genuinegoodguy 9

Do you have a plan to change all that? I’m sure there’s someone special for you somewhere.

Thought any girl could easily find a girl on online dating though