Let me out!

By Archie - 07/01/2010 08:31 - United States

Today, my friends decided it would be funny to engage the child locks on the rear doors of my SUV. My SUV has a bolted cage for the dog separating the front from the back. Guess who was locked in their own car for 2 hours? FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 565
You deserved it 4 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it is really weird being the first to comment but anyways, you find should something equally funny/annoying and get back at your friends as for you being stuck get a cage that can be opened or removed from both sides

Did you knock wildly on the door, motioning for whoever notices to open the door? That happened to my mate. I saw him, and another person looking at him strangely, unsure what to do. The stranger thought my mate was trying something dodgy!


it is really weird being the first to comment but anyways, you find should something equally funny/annoying and get back at your friends as for you being stuck get a cage that can be opened or removed from both sides

pancakes_n_syrup 0

I think the question is why is the OP sitting in the back part of his own SUV where there is probably no seating room anyway because there is a giant dog crate...hmmm

caticaticati 3

There isn't a big cage, the backseat IS the cage.

It's also a fake story. Pull the backseats forward, reach into boot, and open the boot from the inside.

WHO LET THE DOGS OUT???! Errrh.... That doesnt really apply to the OP actually. Unless, you look like a doggy. :]

daydreamstar 7

lllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll well, at least you didnt over heat or freeze... but *Faves*

YDI, for ending a sentence with guess what with a question mark.

McCannCanTriple 0

...At least it wasn't hot. Or hopefully not.

emmmilyyy 0

anteezy- how are u supposed to ask a question without ending a sentence with a question mark?

It wasn't a question it was a sentence in the imperative mood.