Love in the time of Covid

By moving out now - 27/09/2023 14:00

Today, my germophobic girlfriend has tested positive for Covid, and is utterly convinced she's going to die. She's been crying in the bed for the last five hours, talking about how much she regrets her choices, and how she never should have spent her last year with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 928
You deserved it 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It could happen. Leave before you have to deal with her funeral.

'When someone shows you who they really are, Believe them.'


Geez, poor girl. She's gotta be driving herself insane like this. And poor you for getting that flung at you with zero warning. I can't imagine how much that hurt to hear. I wish you strength and I hope your girlfriend recovers, both physically from The Panini and mentally from her phobia.

It could happen. Leave before you have to deal with her funeral.

tiptoppc 19

Best if after, and you pulled a life insurance policy on her. The poor guy deserves that at least, right? Hope she isn’t vaccinated. One less bastard in the world I guess.

'When someone shows you who they really are, Believe them.'

Ouch. Sorry OP. But at least you know now and not when married. Move on, she clearly means it, so don't "waste" any more of "her" time or yours.