Man spitting truth bombs over here

By Robert - 19/11/2020 08:08

Today, I found out my cat had died overnight at the vet's. She died alone in the dark, in a cage. Meanwhile, Donald Trump, an old, narcissistic, overweight sack of shit, survived COVID with millions of tax payer dollars in healthcare. I'd rather my cat had been the one to live; at least she made life nicer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 562
You deserved it 1 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I was hesitant about letting this one through, but seeing all the Trumpet snowflakes lose their shit like whiny babies is like shooting fish in a barrel. No regrets, 10/10, would post again. I also let through it in loving memory of Robert's cat. Cats rule.

And I'll bet your cat didn't say, "You can grab them by human." On the other hand, your cat's death didn't make Mike Pence president, so score one for the Orange Menace of Putrescence.


An adult loner, complaining about his cat dying and DJT surviving covid.... The irony he doesn't even see🤣