Medicare for all, now

By Anonymous - 25/02/2023 07:30 - Canada - Old Perlican

Today, I was cut off from my government-funded drug program that used to pay half of my medication costs. They said I don't pay enough of a percentage of my wages on medication. I'd be on a higher dosage if I could afford it. I'm still poor and I'm definitely still bipolar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 786
You deserved it 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wtafisgoah54 4

They aren’t in the US, how is that a US healthcare problem?

If you are indeed in Canada, look into insurance programs like Blue Cross. Some of them offer medication only insurance for a fairly small premium and will cover up to 80% of the cost of your medications. It generally takes 1-3 months to kick in but it may be worth it to have a guaranteed way of getting your meds again.


See if you can borrow money to pay for like a month or two of the higher dosage, get your doctor to prescribe it to you, and then go back to the program to point out that you’re paying more money now? I’m so, so sorry, the US healthcare system is an ongoing train wreck

wtafisgoah54 4

They aren’t in the US, how is that a US healthcare problem?

If you are indeed in Canada, look into insurance programs like Blue Cross. Some of them offer medication only insurance for a fairly small premium and will cover up to 80% of the cost of your medications. It generally takes 1-3 months to kick in but it may be worth it to have a guaranteed way of getting your meds again.