Meritocracy is a myth

By Anonymous - 14/11/2023 06:00

Today, I have worked my ass off this year on two projects, trying to prove myself and earn a raise. Well I proved myself capable all right, next year they’re giving me 5 projects to manage, and that raise, yeah, it’s no longer in the budget. Maybe next year… FML
I agree, your life sucks 580
You deserved it 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lolamae 9

The more you do, the more you may, and the less you’re thanked for it.

Trust nothing unless you get it in writing - With a signature… Many managers use the promise of an eventual promotion to motivate their employees to work harder and take on more work for the same pay. But frequently the promotion doesn’t exist or it’s been promised to multiple people… OP, you work for a jerk. That’s sufficient reason to look for another job. You are likely going to be able to find a better job given the added responsibilities you have recently taken on. But tell no one where you work that you are looking for another job. And avoid bad mouthing your current employer - That’s not career enhancing. Once you get an actual job offer in writing and you understand what’s expected in the new job then accept the new job and give 2 weeks notice at your old one - Not a day more or less.


Lolamae 9

The more you do, the more you may, and the less you’re thanked for it.

Trust nothing unless you get it in writing - With a signature… Many managers use the promise of an eventual promotion to motivate their employees to work harder and take on more work for the same pay. But frequently the promotion doesn’t exist or it’s been promised to multiple people… OP, you work for a jerk. That’s sufficient reason to look for another job. You are likely going to be able to find a better job given the added responsibilities you have recently taken on. But tell no one where you work that you are looking for another job. And avoid bad mouthing your current employer - That’s not career enhancing. Once you get an actual job offer in writing and you understand what’s expected in the new job then accept the new job and give 2 weeks notice at your old one - Not a day more or less.