Mom knows best

By Troy - 10/09/2019 22:00

Today, my mom offered me a reward if I went out and mowed our lawn. After 45 mins of pushing a lawnmower in 95-degree heat and getting stung by a bee, I go inside and ask my mom for my reward. She comes up to me, gives me a 'loving hug' and says, "Thank you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 006
You deserved it 1 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

julfunky 29

You need a reward to mow the lawn? FFS

Hey, if that's not good enough for you, I'd sure like a loving hug... ...from your mom.


Hey, if that's not good enough for you, I'd sure like a loving hug... ...from your mom.

julfunky 29

You need a reward to mow the lawn? FFS

Lol, maybe it was a reward to mow in that heat, especially if it's before a weekend event? I don't mow if it's over 85 out, give or take with humidity. Mow in the morning before 10am!

Probably not but if you're promised something, you expect it lol

LaraimeSullivan 4

I would press "you deserve it" but you dont deserve that hug. Big hugs to your momma from me.

You should be helping her out with the household chores.

I never had an allowance, chores were just expected. But I was promised 20$ for every time I mowed the front and back lawn. Which would have cost 60-80 for anymore else to do it. I never saw a penny.

Move your butt and help your mum out! Why should she have to ask for your help, when you should give it freely anyway! 🙄

Mungolikecandy 19

Your reward is probably free bed and board and a mother who loves you.

If you do it for a reward but don't confirm what you're going to get, you really can't complain.