Neverending cycle

By Eiblake13 - 07/01/2024 03:00 - United States

Today, my girlfriend threw a bitch fit about her clothes not fitting and how she’s “so fat” to the point of storming out of the house when I asked her to please calm down. Just a couple of hours earlier, we'd ordered food and she ordered a salad, then asked to trade my burger and fries with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 555
You deserved it 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah, yes, asking a women to calm down. The magic words to de-escalate a situation.

EricW 4

You traded a burger for a salad?? that’s insane!


Ah, yes, asking a women to calm down. The magic words to de-escalate a situation.

If he exactly said "calm down", I 100% agree with you. However, since there are only 300 signs available to write a FML, it's also possible he talked longer and with more diplomacy, and just resumed it to "calm down" because of this limitation.

So many stereotypes here... Some men and women struggle with weight control largely because they have impulse control issues - They want to lose weight, and have good intentions but damm, that hamburger looks more tasty than the salad I ordered... By the way, short of spending a lot of money, in my experience WW (Weight Watchers) is one of the few programs that help you lose weight and keep it off. It's not free, but it does work for a lot of people... OP, everyone has pluses and minuses about themselves. We don't get to choose from the good things and just make the bad things just go away. At some point in any relationship there will be times when you ask yourself "Does the good outweigh the bad?" Only you can answer that. And some honest communication with GF is in order to help you both to either make the relationship work or to figure out if it's not working if it can be saved. OP, be prepared to face the fact that you probably have your pluses and minuses too.

I come from the original French website (VDM) from time to time, like once a month, to see what the anglo-saxon looks like. And sorry to feed the stereotypes, but that's exactly how I imagined a FML written from the USA. 🇺🇸😬

EricW 4

You traded a burger for a salad?? that’s insane!