Nice husband you've got there…

By dididikaisik - 01/08/2021 05:01 - United States

Today, I received a call from my husband of 10 years from prison. He sobbed on the phone as he explained to me that his anger got the best of him, and couldn’t control himself. He beat the pulp out of a classmate of his for declining a date with him, and sent her to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 342
You deserved it 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Girl, run. He sent a stranger to the hospital over a date. He is not only willing to cheat, but also has anger issues, and who knows what small thing will trigger him. Get out while you can.

Lydmyers 9

let him rot in prison. not only would I not help him with bail, but I'd be gone when gets home.


Girl, run. He sent a stranger to the hospital over a date. He is not only willing to cheat, but also has anger issues, and who knows what small thing will trigger him. Get out while you can.

Cheating, violent, jail-bound (I doubt any judge or jury will show him much sympathy....). Yup, run fast, run far, and never look back.

Lydmyers 9

let him rot in prison. not only would I not help him with bail, but I'd be gone when gets home.

You probably mean jail. That's where you go immediately after getting arrested. Prison is later on. You don't need to go through the hassle of leaving your home, the State will take him away for you.

DoctorPALO 14

I don't know what country you live in where a person goes straight to prison for assault, attempted murder, or whatever he is charged with, but if he's actually in prison, file for a divorce and find a new place to live. Sell the house, his car, or whatever you need to do to get away from him. If he's in a city or county jail, for Pete's sake, don't bail him out and think things will go back to "normal," get the hell as far away from him as you can, as fast as you can, or he will likely "lose his temper" with you one day, assuming he doesn't already physically abuse you and/or your children, if there are any.