
By Anonymous - 13/09/2019 06:02 - Australia - Perth

Today, after getting home from my morning run, I found my brand new leather couch with scratches all over it and smelling of cat piss. I don't have a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 776
You deserved it 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wadlaen 23

Another good reason for not to go out running...😕


Now now Mr. Jones, the nice neighbors new couch is not a scratching post...Or a litter box. Bad kitty. Bad bad kitty.


Wadlaen 23

Another good reason for not to go out running...😕


Now now Mr. Jones, the nice neighbors new couch is not a scratching post...Or a litter box. Bad kitty. Bad bad kitty.

Sounds like maybe you do have a cat now. Did you find one inside? Mystery cat!!