No fun allowed

By Anonymous - 14/11/2023 10:00

Today, my wife has declared that, unless our son has finished his homework, I'm not to watch TV, play video games, read, use my phone, cook, or go outside, lest I "tempt him" to leave his work unfinished. Guess I'll just stare at the wall all afternoon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 506
You deserved it 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

does she sit there with you and do nothing? does nobody on this website know how to say no?

Or, you know, help your son with his homework.


Or, you know, help your son with his homework.

does she sit there with you and do nothing? does nobody on this website know how to say no?

Let me guess - Wife has things that she does and this doesn’t apply to her somehow… While I understand the concept of not tempting son to waste time on other things instead of doing his homework, Dad isn’t the one in school with homework. And presumably he did his job today so he’s not being”punished”… Personally when I was growing up, I did my homework early in the afternoon before my Dad got home from work. And I did my homework myself without requiring help - That’s how it’s supposed to be designed for learning. Occasionally there are special projects that I can see require adult help, but those should be rare… My adoptive son was diagnosed with ADD and he required intervention to do his work. His mother did most of that and Son neither appreciated the work she did nor did he learn the lessons his homework was supposed to teach him. It was a terrible mess! I truly don’t know how to best help a child with learning or behavioral disabilities. (My daughter was much more like me.) I believe that for most children in the “normal range” the best way to handle school and homework is to keep an eye on what is going on - Is the work getting done, is the child learning? And encourage as needed and have consequences when necessary - Not to do their work for them or punish Dad for the Son’s poor school performance.

grow a pair and tell her no. you're a whole ass adult

Oh no! You might have to be a parent to your child and make him handle his responsibilities.

EricW 4

you’re pussywhipped. that’s it guy and YDI