No plus ones

By Partypoooped - 23/09/2021 01:59

Today, I invited my best friend of 15 years to my birthday party. He wants to bring his girlfriend of a year along, because she feels "threatened" by our friendship, and thinks "He’ll cheat." I'd already put the deposit for the venue and it costs $50 per additional guest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 854
You deserved it 314

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slhiggx 17

Did you not allow plus 1’s? Generally when people are in a relationship they like to go to events together.

Tell him that he can pay for her or she can pay for herself since she's so insecure.


Tell him that he can pay for her or she can pay for herself since she's so insecure.

slhiggx 17

Did you not allow plus 1’s? Generally when people are in a relationship they like to go to events together.

Especially since it's the long-term girlfriend of her best friend. In what world wouldn't she be invited? It kinda sounds like OP is being a bit stupid and ignoring/dismissing the girlfriend. Even if she has no romantic interested in her best friend, I kind of get why the girlfriend would be pissed off.

Yikes! You've got to pay 50 extra dollars to get ****-blocked! No benefits for you!

wysegirl 24

Why should OP have to pay for someone else's insecurities? The girl should pay for herself and if she doesn't trust her boyfriend what does that truly say about their relationship?

You should have invited her. If it was his hookup from last week OK but they've been together for a year. It's an insult to her.

he should not be putting up with insecure bullshit. that said, a year is long enough that I would expect to be included as a plus one.

diraven 15

Is $50 really worth an FML? Are you ever happy?

mentalissues 12

Tell the girlfriend if she wants to go she has to pay the $50 and if she won't then obviously its not worth it to her enough

I mean if they have been together for a year, why wasn't she included in the invites list? He is your best friend, shouldn't he be able to bring along a plus one?

wysegirl 24

Just say they have to pay the $50 and you don't care if she comes. she covers her cost its not a big deal since it is out if your budget.

hopejm 5

is she can't trust him, shouldn't he be reevaluating their relationship? on the other end, if they've been together for a year, then why didn't you invite her? do the two of you not get along? so many ?'s here