Non perishable goods

By Anonymous - 04/08/2023 03:00 - United States

Today, I'm on a road trip with my wife and in-laws. After 8 hours of driving we stopped at a hotel to rest overnight. I was elected to go to the grocery store to get dinner. While I was gone, they ate at a restaurant without me. I spent $80 on groceries for the trash can. FML
I agree, your life sucks 972
You deserved it 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now you know where you stand with your wife and her family, it’s time to leave them all behind and move on

That is shitty! You need to discuss this with your wife, and make it clear to her that it was not okay! Also, she must pay all the groceries. Afterall, it was her who decided to throw the money out.


Now you know where you stand with your wife and her family, it’s time to leave them all behind and move on

That is shitty! You need to discuss this with your wife, and make it clear to her that it was not okay! Also, she must pay all the groceries. Afterall, it was her who decided to throw the money out.

Didn't you have to eat from the groceries? I'd think it would mean a feast for you.

Divorce now. Also, I voted YDI for wasting food.

Get up early the next morning and leave them there.