Not under my watch!

By Anonymous - 13/09/2023 22:00

Today, I told my dad I want to enlist in the army and he tried to lock me in my room. He did almost the same thing when I told him I wanted to do certain college courses to make it easier to become a police officer, only there was a lot more swearing and throwing of objects. FML
I agree, your life sucks 611
You deserved it 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

have you tried getting an actual career that doesn't involve shooting everything you see?

There are things to do besides that. All depends on your scores (at least in the USA) and what spots they need to fill. Normally infantry is full of those that get crap for scores or those that really wanna shoot stuff.


DirtySalamander 9

have you tried getting an actual career that doesn't involve shooting everything you see?

There are things to do besides that. All depends on your scores (at least in the USA) and what spots they need to fill. Normally infantry is full of those that get crap for scores or those that really wanna shoot stuff.

Stop.... you have no idea what you're talking about.

Go to the Air Force. Those guys have cooler toys anyway. Also, ACAB; listen to your father on that.

HouseOfM 8

it is possible that the father believes op far military material