Nothing but red flags

By Jullii - 27/08/2021 08:01

Today, my ex of 5 years began dating the girl he told me was, “One of the guys”, “Don’t worry, she’s like a sister to me” and, “I would never see her that way.” We broke up a couple of days ago because my “paranoia” and “assumptions” about her were putting a “strain” on our relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 289
You deserved it 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ktd988 12

At least you listened to your instincts. It sucks but you deserve better

Nikki 16

Good work on getting out of there then, she can have the untrustworthy guy, go find yourself something better!


ktd988 12

At least you listened to your instincts. It sucks but you deserve better

Nikki 16

Good work on getting out of there then, she can have the untrustworthy guy, go find yourself something better!

He's lying! That's not the real reason. The real reason he dumped you is that you throw around way too many quotation marks. I'm not sure I'd make it through a first date with you given your egregious punctuation.

Not always the case but, I was in your boyfriend's shoes once and after being accused for months and broken up with over a friend... we figured we might as well try what we were being accused of. Didn't work out and we're still just friends years later.

diraven 15

Maybe he was just into chicks who look like dudes

DarkJester200278 1

Maybe you shouldn't have kept pushing him away. And making accusations probably made him curious about trying things with her