Oddly specific

By mr. e - 18/05/2023 22:00

Today, I discovered that at the age of 24, I would actually rather break a toe than eat a food I don’t like. FML
I agree, your life sucks 222
You deserved it 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rudico67 8

I'm really sorry to ask this, but could you please explain the correlation between breaking a toe and eating a food you dislike? Curiosity overwhelms me!

At 24, you don't have to self harm. Just don't buy/eat what you don't like. Man, being an adult sux.


rudico67 8

I'm really sorry to ask this, but could you please explain the correlation between breaking a toe and eating a food you dislike? Curiosity overwhelms me!

At 24, you don't have to self harm. Just don't buy/eat what you don't like. Man, being an adult sux.

That's stupid. If you break a toe, you'll go to the hospital and that's food you definitely won't like.

well I'll tell you something that I realized at your age it's your choice what you want to eat if you don't like something just simply say something like no thank you or I don't like that or I'm not in the mood

tiptoppc 19

I’ve done both, including ending up in ER due to food I didn’t want to eat that caused foodpoisoning. I agree, breaking my toe was better and less painful.