Out of place

By wowthanks - 11/01/2013 19:37 - United States - Baldwin Park

Today, I was asked out by a friend of mine. He's a doctor and works at a prestigious hospital, so thinking we would eat somewhere special, I got all dressed up. We ended up eating at his hospital's cafeteria, because he gets a small employee discount. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 896
You deserved it 7 991

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well you might think he would take you somewhere special, but just because he didn't doesn't make him a bad person. There won't be fancy dining and wining all the time. Is he a resident on a smaller salary or fully licensed already? Maybe the man had to be on call later so he couldn't put all the juice into it he wanted to. You never know.

I'm sure he has a shitload of medical school student loans to pay off.


I understand your disappointment, but at least you got free food! :)

Exactly, Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

I guess in addition to the disappointment OP was feeling awkward eating at a pretty casual place while all dressed up, but yeah it's free food so don't feel too bad OP :)

Extactly #1, I gotta admire the Doctor's thrifty attitude though, frugality is a necessity during these hard times.

was I the only one who though of JD from scrubs?

Guys, it says a discount not free food.

Cyanide03 7

I believe that most of them are assuming that he paid, therefore thinking she received a free meal.

Most doctors can't afford to take people out when their just beginning. He probably has a lot of school he is still paying off.

Well you might think he would take you somewhere special, but just because he didn't doesn't make him a bad person. There won't be fancy dining and wining all the time. Is he a resident on a smaller salary or fully licensed already? Maybe the man had to be on call later so he couldn't put all the juice into it he wanted to. You never know.

Atchoo 8

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oj101 33

A doctor's is never truly off duty. Plus, if she chokes or has a heart attack from eating too much fat, help isn't too far away.

well 21 what if he couldn't leave. He may have had to have call but wanted to spend time with her first. Why do people always expect fanciness and romance all the time, sure, it's nice, but it's not possible all the time.

Edo369 8

William is that your real profile pic lol?

37- Completely irrelevant... As well as this comment.

I don't think anyone expects wining, dining, and romance "all the time," but you'd think he'd put at least a little bit of effort into impressing her on the FIRST date. If I were her, I'd get the impression I wasn't worth the effort to him. Very bad form.

jmar411 12

Even if he is fully licensed already think about the debt most doctors are in when they finish school. Between college, usually a masters degree as well, med school, residency, and sometimes a fellowship they spend between 8-12 years or more in school after they finish high school. Maybe it's all he could afford despite being a doctor.

Very true. I work on behalf of an American bank... I see the debt they have once they leave school. Some times its over $300,000

Who says a nice date has to be expensive? Making her dinner at his home, a walk in the moonlight, and romantic comedy from red box would be a lovely and inexpensive evening. But a meal at his workplace cafeteria? That's just...lame.

Edo369 8

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#2 > The thing is that OP said he took her there because he gets a discount. Although I agree she shouldn't have assumed that they would go somewhere fancy, I think it’s pretty low to take her to a hospital cafeteria. It doesn’t exactly spell romance. Doctors do get days off too so why pick a day where he’s gonna be on call? A dinner doesn’t have to be expensive. I’m sure there are loads of affordable and nice places in California. And if you don’t wanna spend the money on a restaurant for X reasons, there is always home cooking. That or maybe he was testing her to see if she was a gold-digger ;-)

Op says he took her there 'because he gets a discount', but I'd say that's an assumption she made. I think the gold-digger filter, or on-call hypotheses are most likely. Just wait and see before you throw it in, maybe next time you'll get the expensive dinner that you seem to think you deserve

exactly personally I would've preferred the cafeteria, mostly because it's the thought that counts and the time you spend together

Well he's a 'Bastard'.. But pft what's better then hospital food!

damn_homie 2

Everything is better than hospital food

Pyro_Wolf 17

Obviously you guys haven't had school cafeteria food. I'd rather eat the stuff they gave me in the hospital than school shit.

I am not sure if anyone understood that reference. At least you know it's uphill from here

When I had a relative in the hospital, I ate in there cafeteria (St. Agnes in Fresno), they had a customizable menu where you could check which kind of meat, cheese, sauce, etc.. You could put on your food, and they had already pre-picked ones aswell, needless to say, I ******* made my own and named it after myself. Best ******* sandwich I've ever had to this day. Ever. Like ever. And it was at a hospital. So bam. Your mind is blown, and I've over used the period.

Lol where is Doc to clear up the reference nonsense.

The doc isn't commenting cuz he is probably the cheap 'bastard'. Hahahaha

I'm sure he has a shitload of medical school student loans to pay off.

Did he at least give you a free medical examination for your trouble?

That profile picture just makes all your comments better I feel

SighGuy89 5

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Well, he has a shitload of medical loans to pay off. One of my friends dad is in the medical field and he has over 100k to pay off still. Sorry about your disappointment.

oj101 33

I also know friends dad's who are doctors with 10+ years experience still paying off their loans. Also, established doctors are always rushed off their feet whilst friends of mine who are graduates just out of med school are struggling to find res training periods/jobs. I wonder why there is this disrespectancy?

Qwermy 16

He has to pay for medical school, so cut him some slack, and realize that he will probably make it up to you some day.

YDI for assuming he would take you somewhere special. Makes one wonder if you accepted the dinner date had you not assumed this?

Somewhere special doesn't necessarily mean expensive. He should have put forth more effort than the hospital cafeteria. If he was on call or something, he should have given her a heads up.

zingline89 18

You don't get rich by spending money.