Overreaction, but still…

By Anonymous - 18/06/2023 10:00

Today, and because our relationship is getting serious, I asked my boyfriend about his stance on having kids one day. He practically projectile vomited on the carpet, which is probably not a good sign. FML
I agree, your life sucks 648
You deserved it 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you secured your Xbox and all other gaming devices before you broached the subject. I've heard discussing having children with immature men can cause the theft of gaming rigs.

@JasonThorn - How early? The first date?


tiptoppc 19

Wow, from just asking the question? That’s a red flag his genetics are crap, when offspring makes his body revolt in that way. If he can’t even stomach the idea, imagine what happens if he DID have genetic rejects of his own? Those poor bastards..

I hope you secured your Xbox and all other gaming devices before you broached the subject. I've heard discussing having children with immature men can cause the theft of gaming rigs.

Hey, at least you asked the question before the wedding, but this should have come up as a discussion topic earlier in the relationship...

@JasonThorn - How early? The first date?