
By Anonymous - 11/01/2023 22:30 - India - Thane

Today, some person I don't even know called me a scammer on my Facebook, and my mutual friends, who know my actual "GPS coordinates" blocked me before bothering to hear my side. FML
I agree, your life sucks 682
You deserved it 132

Same thing different taste

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At least in the USA there is a set of scammers that “twin” a real Facebook person using the picture on their front page and the name of that person. Then they send out “Friend Requests” to people on the real person’s friend list. They do this with accounts that aren’t very active. Most of the time people just glance at the name and the familiar picture and accept. Then shortly after that you get a Facebook Instant message from the scammer who starts off with something generic like “how are you?” Then eventually they tell you that they got a big check from some place that doesn’t give out money to individuals, and I assume after that they send you to an online scam site where they wind up scamming you by promising money but they need some info (bank account, credit card number, whatever)… OP I suspect your account was twinned by someone pretending to be you and your friends were scammed by them - Leaving them thinking you are responsible. You should be able to search on Facebook for your name and find the twined account… Two of my cousins had their accounts twinned and then tried to scam me. This is how I know of this… (1) There is no free money that you just have to send in financial information to get… (2) Do not give important financial information to anyone who contacts you. When in doubt call the organization like a bank or credit card ONLY USING THE PHONE NUMBER ON YOUR EXISTING CARD… (3) Banks, utilities, government agencies DO NOT TAKE GIFT CARDS OF ANY KIND AND DO NOT ASK FOR THEM… If you are contacted by anyone asking for any of the three items above IT IS A SCAM - Just block them. If you get a friend request from someone already on your friend list do not accept it.


At least in the USA there is a set of scammers that “twin” a real Facebook person using the picture on their front page and the name of that person. Then they send out “Friend Requests” to people on the real person’s friend list. They do this with accounts that aren’t very active. Most of the time people just glance at the name and the familiar picture and accept. Then shortly after that you get a Facebook Instant message from the scammer who starts off with something generic like “how are you?” Then eventually they tell you that they got a big check from some place that doesn’t give out money to individuals, and I assume after that they send you to an online scam site where they wind up scamming you by promising money but they need some info (bank account, credit card number, whatever)… OP I suspect your account was twinned by someone pretending to be you and your friends were scammed by them - Leaving them thinking you are responsible. You should be able to search on Facebook for your name and find the twined account… Two of my cousins had their accounts twinned and then tried to scam me. This is how I know of this… (1) There is no free money that you just have to send in financial information to get… (2) Do not give important financial information to anyone who contacts you. When in doubt call the organization like a bank or credit card ONLY USING THE PHONE NUMBER ON YOUR EXISTING CARD… (3) Banks, utilities, government agencies DO NOT TAKE GIFT CARDS OF ANY KIND AND DO NOT ASK FOR THEM… If you are contacted by anyone asking for any of the three items above IT IS A SCAM - Just block them. If you get a friend request from someone already on your friend list do not accept it.