Plumbing issues

By Anonymous - 27/08/2021 04:01 - Denmark - Viby

Today, I'm constipated AND having diarrhea at the same time. It feels like I'm going to explode. FML
I agree, your life sucks 811
You deserved it 73

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thanks for the clarification and imagery. Doesn't look like I'll be finishing off my chocolate mousse anytime soon, does it? Thanks!

How can this be? Is this an example of shit logic? Is this some sort of parallel universe, quantum mechanics thing? Schroedinger's Litter Box?


How can this be? Is this an example of shit logic? Is this some sort of parallel universe, quantum mechanics thing? Schroedinger's Litter Box?

Nikki 16

You can have overflow from your constipation, so whatever can make it past the blockage is generally going to be liquid

Thanks for the clarification and imagery. Doesn't look like I'll be finishing off my chocolate mousse anytime soon, does it? Thanks!

Nikki 16

Think of it more as chocolate milk, mousse would be way too thick!