
By anon - 07/11/2012 23:28 - United States

Today, I threw up after drinking a smoothie my mother made me. She then called me "ungrateful" and "immature" for not liking what she spent a long time making for me. I later found out that not only did she use expired yogurt, it was also a mango smoothie, which I'm allergic to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 724
You deserved it 1 823

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sleepinginclass 8

How long could she have spent making a smoothie?

NerdyPanther09 6

If she had been quicker making the smoothie, the yogurt wouldn't have expired.


sleepinginclass 8

How long could she have spent making a smoothie?

porcupineattack1 5

It sounds like she's more upset her attempt to kill you failed.

Octain 13

Long enough to allow the yogurt to expire.

I'm wondering how the kid could've not known there was mango in it? It's kinda their fault too.

@39 Maybe because lots of fruits look the same blended.

Reeserr 3
Wishez 12

How did op not taste the mango? You would think he/she would be able to realize mango was in it, and stop drinking it.

Sally2dicks21 8
NerdyPanther09 6

If she had been quicker making the smoothie, the yogurt wouldn't have expired.

xXHollowIchigoXx 17

You should call her "An idiot" and "a ******* piece of shit".

Yes, cause that's totally an appropriate response to ones mother.

xXHollowIchigoXx 17

It is when she gives me something I'm allergic to and then gets mad at me when I vomit it out. And as OP's mother, don't you think she would've known OP was allergic to mango?

I suppose, and I honestly forgot that fact. Still, that reaction seems a little bit over the top. Even if she did have a fit over something as minimal as that, it doesn't need a similar reaction following it.

CountMango 5

So this is how kids treat their parents nowadays when they make a mistake? Good god you're pathetic.

And then take the rest of the shake and pour it all over her head and yell, "how you like those mangoes!??"

MsMourningStar 22

Luckily, 15, not all kids/teens act like this. Some of us still have manners. Was it wrong of OP's mom to give her spoiled yogurt? Yes but she may not have realized it was spoiled. And was it a terrible mistake to give her mangos knowing she's allergic? Yes but sometimes parents forget thing they're only human. I mean I've been allergic to tomatoes as long as I can remember and my mom still forgets and tries to feed me them every once in a while. And yes OP's mom did over react but that doesn't mean OP should do the same thing. It's called being mature and taking the high road.

It's not a way to call anybody, really, let alone one's mother. I wonder how your mother raised you for you to have no respect at all, #7.

Dairyking 8

Am I the only one that thought 7 was trying to be sarcastic? .-.

xXHollowIchigoXx 17

I'm sorry #23 my mother didn't raise me at all, I don't have one. And yes #32 it was sarcasm. I didn't LITERALLY mean say those things and ******* break her nose and kill her. Damn, people always want to be do serious and smart. But then when they're put in a similar situation they'd snap at the gecko.

mariah3269 4

40, you're pathetic. You consistently defend yourself, then at the end, say you were being sarcastic. It's fairly obvious you were not being sarcastic in the least, and saying that was just a pitiful way of trying to escape with a shred of dignity.

BlackBlazeCobra 16

What a careless mother! Hope you had some Benadryl on hand.

And The Mother of the Year award goes to:... not OP's mom!

Sheesh. Seems like more and more people are expecting thank you's for shit jobs.

Reminds me of my In-Law unit. She hoards food because she doesn't want people 'wasting' it by eating it too fast...then she'll make a huge meal out of it after it has expired. I have never had food poisoning before meeting here, I swear. She always got so mad when I got sick too, claiming I was faking it. 8I Sound logic!~