Today, I had to bring my youngest (a 3 year-old) with me to my therapist's, due to not having childcare. After waiting 10 minutes, the receptionist called me up to the desk to inform me that my therapist wouldn’t be seeing me, because of my child being there. Nothing like wasting an hour of my time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 874
You deserved it 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't see why this was a surprise. Why should your 3 year old have to listen to your problems? How is the therapist supposed to focus on you and be as frank as may be needed if there's a child listening in? It's wildly inappropriate.

he could have come out to tell you, it's kinda crappy of him to do it through his receptionist. but i get why he cancelled, next time call in if you can't make it alone


I don't see why this was a surprise. Why should your 3 year old have to listen to your problems? How is the therapist supposed to focus on you and be as frank as may be needed if there's a child listening in? It's wildly inappropriate.

That sounds stressful! You're gonna need therapy to deal with that. The therapist knows how to drum up more business!

he could have come out to tell you, it's kinda crappy of him to do it through his receptionist. but i get why he cancelled, next time call in if you can't make it alone

Sorry for that predicament ,sounds like you need a better therapist one who's not lazy and understands people have lives. My own psychologist has a play area in her office for children with toys, books and coloring books, because she actually understands people have lives and that the therapy itself is more important. Plus a young child like that is too young to understand let alone remember the therapy sessions. any decent therapist understands they have to have a child area.

Children always understand more than you realize so it's not at all appropriate to let them attend a session with their parent discussing painful stuff and possibly crying

Advance 56

Did you call beforehand to ask if it was ok to bring your kid?

wrenavery90 12

Seriously? You honestly thought that would be ok? Sounds to me like you wasted an hour of your therapists time.