By I have Flashbacks Now - 10/11/2016 21:15 - United States - Woonsocket

Today, while going to the mall, I witnessed the horror of someone sneezing and shitting themselves at the same time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 405
You deserved it 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JocelynKaulitz 28
foxesntea 22

At least you didn't feel the horror?


Now that's multi-tasking at its finest my friend...err I mean nastiest!

CalculatedRisk 19

I'm sure theres some kind of pun to be made about being blessed after sneezing and ********... something something holy shit.

How do you witness such a thing? X-ray vision?

Shadowvoid 33

You have to admit, that's still pretty impressive.

Instead of burning the candle at both ends, the person just blew both those ******* right off.

whatunicorn 17

sounds like a shitty situation.

This reminds me, while riding the bus I had to witness someone keel over and vomit everywhere. poor me. fml

It could have been much worse. The person probably didn't cover their nose or didn't clean up in the bathroom!

I can just imagine the other person's fml xD "Today, I was at the mall. I sneezed and shat myself. FML"