
By Anonymous - 04/09/2020 14:05

Today, my in-laws invited themselves to stay at my house for a few days. They live out of state and have been self-quarantining for months. The reason for visiting? So they can throw a party for extended family at our house. Guess who'll end up doing all the work and clean up? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 400
You deserved it 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

coius 23

Tell them to eff-off or pay a rental fee for using your home as a rental entertainment venue. Charge professional prices as well and force em to sign a contract of liability for all things party related. If they refuse, tell them to leave or threaten to call police for trespassing. Your home, your rules.

OP, just say no. No to having your home become a hub for infectious disease spreading. No to the unabashed gall of showing up and deciding to use your home for a party. And if your spouse won’t back you up on this then you have a bigger problem than his stupid parents.



Hire a coordinator to do all the work. Tell them to establish a budget and pay the coordinator before the party.

Why would you pay for a party that isn’t yours? Get a spine and tell them no party.

power_in_the_now 19

They aren’t saying for OP to pay... the in-laws to set a budget and pay the coordinator before the party

coius 23

Tell them to eff-off or pay a rental fee for using your home as a rental entertainment venue. Charge professional prices as well and force em to sign a contract of liability for all things party related. If they refuse, tell them to leave or threaten to call police for trespassing. Your home, your rules.

Only if you are a pushover and do it! It will probably take all your powers of self control but just sit there with a glass of wine and do nothing. Or just leave, go and run some errands and get back about an hour before the guests arrive. If you are worried you will look lazy then a pointed "let me know if there is anything I can do to help you" works wonders.

What happens when the party is over and the in laws leave ...who will clean the mess?

My guess is: Your in-laws. Your in-laws will do all the work since you will have checked into a hotel far away to avoid the toxic hellstew of Covid and criticism.

OP, just say no. No to having your home become a hub for infectious disease spreading. No to the unabashed gall of showing up and deciding to use your home for a party. And if your spouse won’t back you up on this then you have a bigger problem than his stupid parents.

um...so tell them no. It's not that difficult. You say, "No you may not throw a party at my house. Do it at yours."