Quality time

By Anonymous - 17/05/2024 14:00 - Canada - Montreal

Today, I realized the only time my boyfriend actually makes a little bit of time to see me is when I'm having a full mental breakdown/anxiety attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 349
You deserved it 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, it depends on how often you are having breakdowns. If they are frequent I’d say it’s an FML for both you and BF. But at least he’s trying to be there for you when you really need him… It’s not the easy and fun times that show our character, it’s the difficult times.

So the problem is that he is there in your time of need. A lesser person would run away in that situation.


OP, it depends on how often you are having breakdowns. If they are frequent I’d say it’s an FML for both you and BF. But at least he’s trying to be there for you when you really need him… It’s not the easy and fun times that show our character, it’s the difficult times.

So the problem is that he is there in your time of need. A lesser person would run away in that situation.

He's there for bad times, but that's a bare minimum a partner should do. Do you want to keep someone around who only does the absolute bare minimum?

If you want more quality time just ask. Guys don't automatically know the right amount of time and attention a relationship needs.