
By Anonymous - 21/11/2023 19:00 - Australia - Wacol

Today, I was running a D&D game. I invited my nephew to come along to try and distract him, as his brother took his life two weeks ago. Stupidly, I had only skimmed through the module I was running (as I run multiple) and didn't realise that today's session involved gallows. Guess how his brother took his life? FML
I agree, your life sucks 435
You deserved it 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yup, that SUX. you could on-the-fly change it to simple beheading or some torture I stead. could even do all but the last part of a draw-and-quarter. The moment you saw that coming you could have called an officials time out and let players all get up and stretch while you figured a way around that scene.

Don't beat yourself up too bad over this one. Your heart was in the right place, and I'm sure you're having just as rough of a time dealing with a family death.


Yup, that SUX. you could on-the-fly change it to simple beheading or some torture I stead. could even do all but the last part of a draw-and-quarter. The moment you saw that coming you could have called an officials time out and let players all get up and stretch while you figured a way around that scene.

Don't beat yourself up too bad over this one. Your heart was in the right place, and I'm sure you're having just as rough of a time dealing with a family death.