
By everyoneheard - 28/03/2013 15:11 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I was eating out with a group of friends and my boyfriend. During the meal, I accidentally took a sip from my male friend's glass. My boyfriend pointed and said, "Babe, you took his drink." My friend responded by putting his arm round me and saying, "Whatever, I took her virginity." FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 094
You deserved it 18 232

Same thing different taste


Mundyshka 1

I may be wrong, but why would your friend say that? If you really had something in the past, this male friend may still have feelings for you and wanted to hurt your current boyfriend. Or maybe he's inappropriately proud of being your first and that makes him possessive.

Knightchaser27 25

I think you are reading to much into the situation

rokolodo 10

You were having a meal with a group of friends your ex- and your boyfriend. Bad combo, never ever keep your ex around

She never said the guy was her ex, just a male friend. If he was her ex, I'm sure she would have called him that. I think he was just bullshitting about what he said.

Thus is where I would stare awkwardly and blankly into the distance while wishing death upon him.

The friend was just probably being quick to make a joke. If that's the case I hope you came at him with something just as witty. The boyfriend might know of the sense of humour you and your friends have and might not have taken it seriously.

acerima 11

Jealous or no, that would of been the last time I ever saw him around you.

hanging out with your boyfriend and a guy you've slept with. Did you expect there to be no awkward moments?

TheyCallMeDamien 17
simplysarcastics 26

And what was the poor girls reaction...

NewYorkMexPR 14

And then what happened?! I must know!